Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2010s Horror Movie Reviews My Favorite and Most Hated #HorrorMovies of 2019
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2010s Horror Movie Reviews My Favorite and Most Hated #HorrorMovies of 2019

My Favorite and Most Hated #HorrorMovies of 2019

For 2019, I challenged myself to watch as many horror movies with a USA release of 2019 as possible. I had an initial list of movies that I wanted to see, and then as others presented themselves to me, I watched them. My biggest problem with horror movies in this millennium is the constant regurgitation of the same theme with no real difference from one film to the next besides the title and actors…and remakes, though not all of those are bad.

My initial list consisted of four sections: Must See (9), Won’t Die If I Don’t (13), Remakes (4), and Probably Won’t Watch (3). As the world moved forward, a few of the movies on this list were moved to 2020, giving me something to plan for in the future, and others might not ever happen. Of the Must See 9, I’ve seen six and two were moved to 2020, and one isn’t going happen. In total, I saw 36 2019 horror movies. Based on that, I think my year was a success. Enough of that, now on to my list of what I think are the best and worst movies of 2019.

Hated it! (Rating 0 – 2.5 Stars)

Hex – I can’t in good conscience recommend this movie, especially if you want horror. It didn’t even make it to horror-lite for me and was barely a thriller. I gave it 2.5 out of 5 Stars (won’t die).

Midsommer – If you are looking for horror, Midsommer is not the movie to watch, it’s barely a thriller. However, if you are looking for a strange, acid trip, this is a good choice. In couldn’t give Midsommer anything more than 2 out of 5 Stars (won’t die).

The Final Wish – This was the first 2019 Horror Movie I saw, and I wasn’t impressed. When it was over, I hoped this wasn’t what the rest of 2019 had in store for me, which was a lot of nothing. I gave The Final Wish 2 out of 5 Stars (must see).

Pet Sematary – When the ending finally came, I rolled my eyes and groaned. It was too much or not enough; either way, it sucked. The creators of this film gaslighted me and everyone else. I gave Pet Sematary (2019) 1.5 out of 5 Stars. I highly recommend that you pretend it wasn’t made and move on with your life. And to think, I went to the theater to see it (must see).

The Dead Don’t Die – This movie went on and on and on, and with thirty-seven minutes left, I wish I was a zombie so I could be decapitated. Don’t waste your dollars with The Dead Don’t Die. I gave it 1.5 out of 5 Stars (added).

Among the Shadows – I cannot express the horror I felt watching Among the Shadows, and not because it was scary. This has to be the worst movie I’ve ever tortured myself with, and it gave me great pleasure to give this movie 0 out of 5 Stars (probably won’t watch).

Surprisingly Good Additions (4 Stars)

I only have three in this category and wasn’t something I was originally going to add, but I felt these films needed another mention. These films were added to my watch list during the year, and I’m glad I saw them.

The Banana Splits Movie – The Banana Splits Movie was a lot better than I expected, and gave me the gore, while comical, that I needed. I gave this film 4 out of 5 Stars.

The Haunting of Sharon Tate – I liked The Haunting of Sharon Tate. I thought they were respectful and didn’t go over the top like they easily could’ve. I gave it 4 out of 5 Stars.

The Hole In The Ground – I liked The Hole in the Ground a lot, but I do warn that it is more an artsy-thriller than horror. The terror is subtle and not overworked, but it felt right to me like I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives In The House. I gave it 4 out of 5 Stars.

My 2019 Favorites (Rating of 4.5 & 5 Stars)

The Curse of Buckout Road – The Curse of Buckout Road kept my interest, mixing a handful of stories together to make something special. I gave it 4.5 out of 5 Stars.

Room for Rent – I’m happy to say that Room For Rent is much better than Lin’s first of 2019, and I gave it 4.5 out of 5 Stars.

Artik – Artik is an unexpected wonder, and I gave it 4.5 out of 5 Stars.

The Furies – The Furies is one of those movies that I became an instant fan from the moment the film started. I gave it 5 out of 5 Stars.

We Have Always Lived In The Castle – I enjoyed We Have Always Lived In The Castle so much, I gave it 5 out of 5 Stars. You should watch it.

The Prodigy – I’m excited to say that this is the first 5 out of 5 Star review that I gave a horror film released in the USA in 2019.

The Black String – I was pulled into this strange world that kept my attention from beginning to end. Great job to everyone involved. I gave The Black String 5 out of 5 Stars.

3 From Hell – The film ends with a happy ending (not that kind, but it would work) as they drive off, making me wonder if we’ll be seeing more of this dysfunctional family. I loved every minute of 3 From Hell and gave it 5 out of 5 Stars.
