Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1 Star 2000s Horror Movie Reviews What Lies Beneath (2000) #HorrorMovie
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1 Star 2000s Horror Movie Reviews What Lies Beneath (2000) #HorrorMovie

What Lies Beneath (2000) is what I call horror-lite with big-name stars (Michelle Pfeiffer and Harrison Ford) that was distributed by DreamWorks Pictures, and produced by ImageMovers. This movie is so bland at the beginning that I wanted to punch myself for even turning it on. There isn’t a hook at all. At least that could’ve kept me interested longer with anticipation of what was to come.

What Lies Beneath

I did manage to watch it in entirety. I think because I love Michelle Pfeiffer, and Harrison Ford isn’t so horrible to look at as someone besides Han Solo or Indiana Jones. What Lies Beneath did have a few thrilling moments, though they didn’t last long.

The effects are bad; turn off the smoke machine this isn’t the 50s, nor is the film in black and white where that effect works the best. And What Lies Beneath is long, 130 minutes, and it drags out things longer than needed. Had there been more action, I wouldn’t have minded the length. Seriously you had that long to give me a great supernatural, haunting, possession, ghost story, and you gave me plain, boring rice until the last thirty minutes, and still, it wasn’t spectacular. Don’t bother with this one, unless…yeah, no, don’t bother.

1 Star

I give What Lies Beneath 1 out of 5 Stars.

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