Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2010s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews Verotika (2019) #HorrorMovie Review

Verotika (2019) is based on Glenn Danzig’s comics, which I’ve never read, but seeing this, I think I’m missing something special. Danzig did the music for this too, giving it an extra layer of macabre that wouldn’t be present had he used other artists. A warning, though, this anthology film is not for everyone.

verotika_pAs with any anthology film, Verotika has a prelude scene and interludes that don’t have much to do with the stories shown, but these are amazing in their own right. The overdramatic acting makes this a modern-day B-Movie; the acting is very reminiscent of adult movies too, and if you see this film, you’ll understand why.

The first story is The Albino Spider of Dajette. Dajette is a sex worker/model with an interesting body feature that is a little terrifying but oddly doesn’t have much to do with anything besides its presence and the creation of the Albino Spider. The truth, though, this one is a little boring, and I expected more. Watch for the rubber suit ripping; that and the effects at almost the end are the highlights of this segment.

Change of Face comes next and picks up the pace a little. It is super creepy and weird. Even the overacting is endearing in this one. Mystery Girl is a headliner stripper that has deformities of her own that she works hard to rectify. The gore effects are more of what I anticipated from Danzig and are well done. I still think those are blowup doll faces on the wall…wait for it!

Drukija Contessa of Blood is the final installment in this freakshow, and it seems Danzig saved the best for last. This one is set in medieval times, and the accents aren’t as comical as in the first segment. Alice Haig has a demented look about her as she plays Drukija. Her motives are simple, ageless beauty, and she has a unique way of obtaining it. The gore in this one is exceptional and occurs regularly and explosively.

4 Stars

As I warned earlier, Verotika isn’t for everyone, but I had a great time watching it and give it 4 out of 5 Stars.

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