Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1 Star 2010s Horror Movie Reviews Wounds (2019) #HorrorMovie Review

I don’t remember why Wounds (2019) got added to my 2019 watch list, and I wish it wouldn’t have because I was lost most of the time. At points, I understood what they were getting at, but then it disappeared and never really came back.

wounds_pArmie Hammer and Dakota Johnson take on this mess like it was an everyday event to film something that made no sense what so ever. I wonder if they knew that when they read the script or their agents just gave them the script and said it’ll be over soon.

The opening is slow but amazingly fast, with nothing really happening until a bar fight, but it didn’t get better from there. Suddenly there’s a barrage of cockroach hallucinations and actual sightings of them, a mystery phone with creepy pictures. But at least Armie took his shirt off a few times.

I kept expecting Wounds to turn a corner, and what occurred prior would be explained and understandable, but nope. I still don’t know what the fuck that I watched. Even the weird flashes of dead people or strange pics on the phone didn’t satisfy me.

1 Star

I do not recommend Wounds (please don’t waste your time). I give it 1 out of 5 Stars.

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