Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2010s 3.5 Star Horror Movie Reviews Girl on the Third Floor (2019) #HorrorMovie Review
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2010s 3.5 Star Horror Movie Reviews Girl on the Third Floor (2019) #HorrorMovie Review

Girl on the Third Floor (2019) #HorrorMovie Review

I was very excited about watching Girl on the Third Floor (2019) until my friend, Iz, didn’t give it the best review. He, however, insisted that I watch it though he had biased me. So after my internal conflict about watching ended, I turned on Netflix and pressed play.

Girl on the Third Floor POSTERThe images from the opening credits are cool, as is the soundtrack accompanying them, but sometimes those are the best part of films. As I enter this world, starring CM Punk, who isn’t hard to look at, I just wish he could act better, I continue to wonder why Iz didn’t care for Girl on the Third Floor. Is it just me, or does CM Punk remind anyone else a little of Bruce Campbell with ink?

The strangeness of the goo oozing from outlets and festering wounds in the walls is intriguing, and still, I don’t understand why my friend isn’t a fan of Girl on the Third Floor. Besides the fact that they spend way too much time with Don renovating this house, his seduction is how I expect an inhuman spirit to interact with the living.

The effects for the “Nymph” are like a strange melding of Silent Hill and Evil Dead (yeah another Bruce Campbell reference), but I’m liking what I’m seeing. The other effects are good, nothing spectacular, but nothing over the top, which is fine.

One thing that I find off is that Cooper, the dog, isn’t more erratic than he is, just on the whinny side. Well, that was until the “Nymph” takes Don and Liz arrives at the house. It’s like I’m watching a different movie on the same set. Maybe, that was intentional. It felt like that since they took so much time on the seduction of Don that they rushed the ending. Though, I still don’t understand why Iz didn’t like this film; it seems to be right up his alley.

3.5 Stars

Even with the flaws (and minor ones at that), I enjoyed Girl on the Third Floor and gave it 3.5 out of 5 Stars.

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