Home 4 Star Book Review Book Reviews The City by S.C. Mendes #HorrorNovel Review
Home 4 Star Book Review Book Reviews The City by S.C. Mendes #HorrorNovel Review

The City by S.C. Mendes #HorrorNovel Review

The City by S.C. Mendes has been on my “to read” list for a while, and I’m a little disappointed in myself for not reading it sooner. The story revolves around Max, an unstable detective, who I pictured as Johnny Depp with his unorthodox roles.

The vivid imagery Mendes shows is off the charts exciting, pulling me into this bizarre world below the crust of the Earth with ease. I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into when I first started reading, but glad that I took the journey. I look forward to the next installment in this crazy world.

4 Stars

I give The City 4 out of 5 Stars.

About The City

There is a civilization buried deep beneath our own. A place spoken of only in whispers. If you are desperate enough, you will find it. But remember, all knowledge comes at a price.

* * *
The bodies were discovered six months after Max Elliot turned in his badge. All that remained of the victims were piles of flayed skin and organs. The bones of each body had been stolen. This torturous method of execution had only been seen once before, and that case remained unsolved. Confident of a connection between the grizzly murders, the police turn to the one man they believe can help. With the allure of closure to his own personal tragedy, Max Elliot agrees to reinstatement for one last case. But the clues lead the unstable detective down a path he never could have imagined. A mysterious drug, a world beneath our own, sex and violence on an unprecedented level, and creatures as ancient as sin itself.

Follow Max as he looks for answers in THE CITY.

About S.C. Mendes

“Learn to appreciate the darkest moments of your life. It is those moments that make our time in the light even more beautiful.”
S.C. Mendes is a teacher, real-estate investor, and author with a penchant for the occult. He’s published many short stories and articles under various names, but The City is his debut novel and the beginning of the Max Elliot saga.

He contributes regularly to Blood Bound Books, where the mission is to spread hope through dark fiction. In between semesters of indoctrinating the youth, he’s hard at work on the sequel to The City as well as collaborative manuscripts with the seductive yet deadly Nikki Noir. Their co-authored work The Lockdown will infect the public education system in 2020.

