Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2000s 3 Star Horror Movie Reviews #HorrorMovie The Strangers (2008)

Inspired by true events, well a mix of them, The Strangers (2008) tells the fun tale of masked intruders who antagonize a couple spending time in a family cottage in the woods. While it’s not extraordinary, I like it, and every time I see it, I get the chills.

The StrangersI like the cast, Liv Tyler as Kristen and Scott Speedman as James – they are always fun to watch – are the couple who are terrorized by the tri of strangers. It’s not like they are having a good time. Silly Kristen said no thanks to James’s marriage proposal because ‘I’m just not ready yet.’

The fact that the trio is masked makes the feeling more sinister. Which is no different from any other movie with the theme, but it doesn’t make it worse for the wear. There’s just something about masked strangers that’s very unnerving.

The events quickly escalate, which is a relief, though I always get stuck on the timeline. The time that elapses in the film doesn’t match Mother Nature’s skills of bringing the sun up. The first knock happens at 4:00 AM, and based on time of year, the sun should’ve been peeking through the trees as the trio were leaving.

3 Stars

The Strangers is one of those movies that if I see it in the guide, I’ll watch it…well unless something better is on. I give it 3 out of 5 Stars.

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