Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2000s 3.5 Star Horror Movie Reviews #HorrorMovie Review Trick 'r Treat (2007)
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2000s 3.5 Star Horror Movie Reviews #HorrorMovie Review Trick 'r Treat (2007)

#HorrorMovie Review Trick 'r Treat (2007)

I’m not a huge fan of anthology films, just because the stories the producers put together don’t make sense. Trick ‘r Treat (2007) fixed that problem for me. While separate stories are being told, they are all contained to one town on Halloween and are intertwined nicely to have a cohesive film.

Trick r Treat posterThe cast in Trick ‘r Treat is a mix of actors who I’ve seen many times, not a quite star-studded cast, but close enough. Each story walks into the next, and the movie ends in the same spot as it began. Sam oversees everything that’s happening, and when he thinks Halloween is being abused or hated, he steps in, taking control of the situation.

The effects aren’t anything special, but they kept me entertained. There are also twists with some of the stories that I didn’t expect, which is always a nice experience. This film also has a weird layer of comedy in some of its sequences that tries a little too hard to be anything more than shtick and icky goo.

3.5 Stars

For an anthology film, I enjoyed it, and I gladly give it 3.5 out of 5 Stars.

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