
The Dying Game by Sara Schoen #Book Review

The Dying Game is like many teen horror movies, with a group of friends traveling to have an exciting adventure, and that’s precisely what they got, though it wasn’t what they wanted. Two things bothered me about this book and why I only gave it 3 Stars. The prologue felt like a poorly written synopsis of the story I was about to read, making it worse with the use of first-person, leading me to the next thing. The use of first-person can hinder a story, making it feel clunky, as it did with this book. I’ve read many first-person tales, and they felt natural, but this one wasn’t one of them. I gave The Dying Game 3 out of 5 Stars. Get your copy at Amazon !  

Linkville Horror Series by Mike Salt #Book Review

When I started reading The House on Harlan, I had no idea this was a series. It wasn’t until I read The Valley that I noticed the “A Linkville Horror Series” subtitle. Since only location connects them, I wasn’t confused about who was who. The House on Harlan has a strange door in the cellar, and what emerges from it isn’t pleasant. The happy family that moves in soon learns that things aren’t what they seem, and Alex fights to save them from the evil that lurks on the other side. The story is unique and dark. When the author showed me what was happening, I was impressed. I gave The House on Harlan 4 out of 5 Stars. Get your copy at Amazon ! The Valley When a group of friends go to the mountains for a vacation, their hopes for a fun-filled adventure soon turn horrifying. Of the stories I’ve read from Mike Salt, this is my favorite, and I couldn’t get enough of it. From opening to close, I was excited to find out what going to happen next. I gave The Valley 5 Stars. Get your copy at Ama

The Disembodied by John Grover #Book Review

I felt like I was missing something when reading The Disembodied and I still do. There was really no explanation (that I remember) of the hows and whys behind the dead reincarnating. At least, the creepiness was great. I gave the Disembodied 4 out of 5 Stars. Get your copy at Amazon !

Heaven's Peak: A Gripping Horror Novel by Miguel Estrada #Book Review

  Heaven’s Peak is about Kevin Miller, who’s recently moved to a new town with his father and sister after his mom died; they’re hoping for a fresh start. Unfortunately, the freshness doesn’t last long as his father falls back into his old routine of drinking and not remembering he and his sister exist.  The darkness that overlays this story is harsh and not friendly and one of the many reasons I enjoyed this book. The agony the main characters feel is translated very well and I was pleased to have found this book. I gave Heaven’s Peak 5 Stars. Get your copy on Amazon !

Avernus Island (The Monsters & Mayhem Collection Book 2) by Patrick McNulty #Book Review

  I didn’t pay attention to the fact that this is Book 2 in The Monsters & Mayhem Collection and didn’t notice anything that connects the first book to this one (maybe, I’ll read it to find out). That being said, I don’t think it matters because I didn’t feel like I walked into something pre-existing.  Avernus Island is creepy and dark and unsettling. It kept me interested and I had a hard putting it down. The strangeness of what happens was amazing as was the back story, showing what caused the darkness to come to this island. I gave Avernus Island 5 Stars. Get your copy at Amazon !

Tamed (Werepets Unleashed Book 1) by Douglas R. Brown #Book Review

Tamed is an interesting take on werewolves, slavery, and how things are run by unscrupulous people and I loved it. Every page kept me engaged, making me wonder what was going to happen next. The book is filled with action and I felt a strong connection to the characters as they worked to bring justice to the WerePets. I gave Tamed 4 out of 5 Stars. Get your copy at Amazon !  

The Garage by J. Dispenza #Book Review

The Garage wasn’t the worst thing I’ve read, but it was predictable and on the boring side. Nothing really happened except Zoe’s prophetic dream coming true. Based on the description, I expected a lot more, but it was anti-climactic. I gave the Garage 3 out of 5 Stars. Get your copy at Amazon!

The Killing Complex (The Killing Saga Book 1) by KG Leslie #Book Review

  The Killing Complex is a lot to take. Its ultraviolence left me unsettled at times, but there was so much of it after a while it was just oh hum. I honestly didn’t understand the point of it at times or where it was going. Since it’s a series, I probably will never know, since I didn’t really care for it. I gave The Killing Complex 3 out of 5 Stars. Get your copy at Amazon !

Shatterbones by Robert Brown #Book Review

  Shatterbones is an apocalyptic novel where children are changed into different beings, and let me tell you, I was quite impressed with the imagery. Each chapter kept me interested and on the edge of my seat. The different settings and action scenes were well-crafted by the author. There’s so much more I want to tell you about this book, but I can’t because I hate spoilers. I gave Shatterbones 5 Stars. Get your copy on Amazon!

Halfborn by Soleil Daniels #Book Review

Halfborn is about Coral, who is a vampire. She dreams about a man and not the one she changed. Most of the time, I couldn’t figure out where this story was going. Which, sometimes, is a good thing, but where it ended up left me empty. The overdone sex scenes were uncomfortable to watch, and that’s saying a lot. Since I have the habit of not putting a book down until it’s done, and I reached the end. I’m still unsure how I feel about Halfborn, so I’ll give it 3 out of 5 Stars. Get a copy at Amazon .

The Legend of Ethni LeDoux by Linda Mims @boom_lyn #RRBC #Thriller

  Some of the questions I had from Linda’s Neon Houses were answered in this prequel. Traveling with Ethni and seeing what she’s capable of was great to learn. While this is only a short, there’s so much in it to keep me entertained and waiting for the next installment. I gave the Legend of Ethni LeDoux 5 Stars. Get your copy at Amazon !