Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2.5 Star 2020s Horror Movie Reviews The Curse of La Patasola (2022) #couples #horror
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2.5 Star 2020s Horror Movie Reviews The Curse of La Patasola (2022) #couples #horror

The Curse of La Patasola (2022) #couples #horror

the curse of la patasola poster

The blurb on IMDb says this to describe The Curse of La Patasola (2022), On a weekend camping trip, two struggling couples are haunted by La Patasola, a famed vampiric monster from Amazonian folklore, testing their relationships, morality, and will to survive. I expected two things from this description: this movie was going to scare me good, and it’s set in the Amazon.

It’s not in the Amazon, which is fine, I guess; just strange that a monster from there would travel to the US to go after the two couples. I’ll get to the fright factor in a second, but first, I want to talk about the couples therapy this group needed. Most of it was so petty and left me unimpressed since, yeah, well, you didn’t grow up with me. In the first hour, I was like, did I miss that this was a chick-flick?

The final twenty-four minutes (at least three for the credits) had some meat. The monster wasn’t horrible, and the trippiness of it was fun. I did get some chills and surprises, so I can’t complain about that except that I wanted more.

2.5 Stars

Overall, The Curse of La Patasola was ok, but nothing special. I gave it 2.5 out of 5 Stars.

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