Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1980s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews Intruder (1989) #Lost80s #Horror #Slasher
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1980s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews Intruder (1989) #Lost80s #Horror #Slasher
intruder poster

Intruder (1989) is another slasher film I remember seeing back in the day, but the details were fuzzy. I’m glad I took the time to rewatch it, as it’s a great movie. It starts with a grocery store closing for the night and the workers beginning to stock the shelves for the next day. A creepy man watches as Jennifer gathers shopping carts from the lot. He pushes a cart toward her, but she doesn’t see him. Soon we discover that the creepster is Craig, Jennifer’s ex. 

There’s so much happening in this film, which I think was on purpose, so it’s unclear who the killer is. And the gore is awesome. Each kill is brutal and satisfying. And the jump scares are off the charts. I appreciate Scott Spiegel and Lawrence Bender’s effort to make this one.

Then there’s the ending, which I won’t spoil, but I was surprised by the twist. 

4 Stars

I enjoyed Intruder and gave it 4 out of 5 Stars.

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