Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1 Star 2020s Horror Movie Reviews Firestarter (2022) #Remake #Flop #Horror
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1 Star 2020s Horror Movie Reviews Firestarter (2022) #Remake #Flop #Horror

Firestarter (2022) #Remake #Flop #Horror


Firestarter (2022) is one of my least favorite Stephen King stories, including the book and movies. The 1984 original was lackluster, and Blumhouse made an almost identical copy. Blumhouse has a way of making something that is labeled horror into barely a thriller. At least there wasn’t anything to ruin with this story.

If you haven’t seen either, I don’t recommend them if you want to have any scares. The story follows Charlie, who has psychic abilities inherited from her parents. They got their powers from a “clinical trial.” The company that gave them the drug wants Charlie so they can study her.

The special effects were OK, but the whole thing was so dumb that I didn’t care. The only saving grace for this film was Zac Effron. He and Ryan Kiera Armstrong were also the best actors. The rest were just weird to watch, like they were forcing their roles, especially Gloria Reuben.

1 Star

Firestarter is a waste of celluloid, and I gave it 1 out of 5 Stars.

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