Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2020s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews Don’t Breathe 2 (2021) #Review
don't breathe 2 poster

Don’t Breathe 2 (2021) picks up eight years after the first film that I’m surprised I didn’t write about because I enjoyed it a lot. It’s just as violent as the first with interesting additions to the story. 

Phoenix finds out the truth about who she is and why her father wants her. Unfortunately, it’s not for the best. Of course, Norman goes to rescue her from them. His goal is to keep her safe and that’s what he does. Throughout the years, he’s trained her how to get away and defend herself.

As I write this, I ponder the film and wonder what the point is besides Norman keeping Phoenix safe, and actually, that’s all there is. Does it need more? Does it need to have an elaborate plot? No, because the goals of the lead characters are met.

4 Stars

Don’t Breathe 2 was as good as the first and I gave it 4 out of 5 Stars.

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