Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2000s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews The Mother of Tears: The Third Mother (2007) #Witches #Horror
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2000s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews The Mother of Tears: The Third Mother (2007) #Witches #Horror

The Mother of Tears: The Third Mother (2007) #Witches #Horror

The Mother of Tears: The Third Mother (2007) nicely wraps up the 3 Mothers Trilogy, the first being Suspiria (1977) followed by Inferno (1980). I still don’t understand the connection between the three films, but I enjoyed each of them.

mother of tears posterI enjoyed the monsters at the beginning and the strange voice that helps Sarah Mandy escape them. The suspense in this one is higher than the others and kept me on the edge of my seat. As the story progresses, many things are revealed that were tied to the first two movies and answer the questions from them.

The camera angles are as great as the preceding films and give it a spooky feel. I don’t have much else to say about this film because I don’t want to spoil anything. I will say that even if you haven’t seen the first two, you won’t be lost.

4 Stars

The Mother of Tears: The Third Mother is a great film that I highly recommend, and I gave it 4 out of 5 Stars.

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