Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2010s 3 Star Horror Movie Reviews Dementer (2019) #lowbudget #horror

Dementer (2019) is not what I thought it was going to be, but it’s been on the list for a while so I might have forgotten why I added it. It’s about Katie, who leaves a cult and gets a job taking care of special needs adults.

dementer posterThe strangeness of this film kept me watching as I wanted to see what would happen next (that’s a very important key that some filmmakers forget). Katie has flashbacks to her days in the cult and the leader instructing her what to do. There are parts of the film that I would’ve scrapped because I hate it when they kill animals (even pretend).

3 Stars

For a low-budget film, Dementer is good, and I gave it 3 out of 5 Stars.

Dementer (2019) #lowbudget #horror Click To Tweet
