Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1970s 2 Star Horror Movie Reviews Eraserhead (1977) #1FromTheVaults

I had contemplated not writing a review for Erasurehead (1977) because I’m not sure what I saw. It’s a black and white film probably to cover up the low budget factor of the effects. Also, in the beginning, I thought it was a silent film as no one speaks until Henry Spencer returns home and his neighbor tells him of a dinner invitation from his girlfriend.

Eraserhead PosterFrom what I’ve read about Eraserhead, it is considered ‘body horror,’ though it’s not like anything else I’ve seen in this sub-genre. The effects weren’t as bad as I originally led you to believe, I just can’t wrap my head around what I saw. I don’t know what “the man in the planet” had to do with anything.

Even after sitting on writing this review for a few days, I still don’t know what this movie was about. The child that Mary X insisted was Henry’s was gross, so that’s a good thing. But again, it didn’t make sense. Well at least, it’s another film that I can take off my watch list. I’m not sure why this film was even made.

2 Stars

I cannot recommend Eraserhead and give it 2 out of 5 Stars.

Eraserhead (1977) #1FromTheVaults Click To Tweet
