Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1980s 3 Star Horror Movie Reviews The Prey (1983) #80sFlashback #Horror
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1980s 3 Star Horror Movie Reviews The Prey (1983) #80sFlashback #Horror

The Prey (1983) hits it out of the park with bizarre scenes and blood-curdling screams. It opens with a scene of a forest fire that happened in 1948 and for me, it could’ve been shorter because it didn’t really add that much besides time to the already short film (80 minutes).

The Prey movie posterThen it jumps to 1980 with a group of young adults traveling by panel van into the mountains to go hiking. So yes, very stereotypical for a slasher flick and even something that I used for my short story The Road to Nowhere. As it continues, I kept expecting David Attenborough to start giving commentary about what the wildlife was doing as the shots of the wildlife were abundant, more fluff that could’ve been omitted as it didn’t add anything.

The sexual tension between the characters at times is the lead into a soft-porn flick that’d be aired on Max After Dark. There’s not enough else in this film to make it worthwhile to see, though I was intrigued by the entire film. It felt like they ran out of money so they did what they could and called it a day. At least the ending was a good surprise.

The Prey was bland with a few fun moments thrown in, so I won’t dissuade you from seeing this if you can’t find anything else.

3 Stars

I gave it 3 out of 5 Stars.

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