Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2000s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews Clive Barker’s The Plague (2006) #HorrorMovie Review
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2000s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews Clive Barker’s The Plague (2006) #HorrorMovie Review

Clive Barker’s The Plague (2006) #HorrorMovie Review

Clive Barker’s The Plague (2006) is not based on Clive Barker’s writing, but he produced it, so he got to put his name on it. And truth be told, I probably wouldn’t have put it on the watch list had it been for his name, and that would’ve been my loss.

The_Plague_pThis is an unexpected delight. While it’s not 100% original, nor does it make sense all the time, it is a great story. It begins with all the children nine and under around the world going into a coma simultaneously. Somehow, they wake up once Tom Russel returns home after being in prison for killing someone in a bar fight.

It’s survival horror, similar to zombies, and these now awakened children are that in a way. I didn’t understand how their muscles were fully developed after being in a coma for ten years. They never indicated that the kids were given exercise during this period, though I guess that’s what happened; otherwise, they’d be scrawny weaklings.

When they wake, they share the same mind and do things based on the hive’s needs. At one point, they are killing everyone brutally, then there’s a change, and they start absorbing the minds of the people they kill. I didn’t understand this either. When Tom discovers this, he comes up with a plan to save the world from them.

4 Stars

I hate to cut this short, but this is one of those movies that you need to see to understand, and if I gave any spoilers, they wouldn’t make sense. Even with the unanswered questions I had for Clive Barker’s The Plague, I gave it 4 out of 5 Stars.

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