Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2020s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews No One Sleeps in the Woods Tonight 2 (2021) #HorrorMovie #Review
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2020s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews No One Sleeps in the Woods Tonight 2 (2021) #HorrorMovie #Review

No One Sleeps in the Woods Tonight 2 (2021) #HorrorMovie #Review

Well, yeah. No One Sleeps in the Woods Tonight 2 (2021) happened and the way they left it 3 is going to as well. Based on the first in this series, which I liked a lot, I assumed (yes, I did) that it was going to be similar. And it was up to a point, then it flipped a 180, becoming something completely different.

no on sleeps in the woods tonight 2 posterThe beginning was bizarre because I was trying to figure out what was happening since it had nothing to do with the first film, then Adas Adamiec woke up. He’s a police officer, well, he wears the uniform as he isn’t taken seriously because, apparently, he’s an outcast.

When he arrives at the Police Station, they show the fat brothers, then the last girl from the first movie. Soon after this is where the film changes to absolute weirdness. Moving on to the gore aspects, I’m as impressed as I was with the first movie. The effects of the monsters are spectacular. However, I remain unsure of the direction this film went. That’s not saying that if there is a third that I won’t see it.

4 Stars

No One Sleeps in the Woods Tonight 2 (2021) took me off guard and surprised me with every passing second, and I gave it 4 out of 5 Stars.

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