Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2020s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews Come Play (2020) #Edgeofseat #Horror

I’m finally catching up on the horror films I didn’t see from 2020. Though Come Play (2020) wasn’t on the original watch list for that deplorable year, I added it when I saw the trailer for it. This film is frightening.

Come Play posterJust the idea of a demon lurking behind the screen of a tablet or phone or computer scares the crap out of me. While I’ve seen similar things in other films, he’s not like other dark entities. He wants a friend. He even has a children’s ebook to prove it.

The demon targets lonely kids, and that’s one thing that I was curious about. How did he make new friends before this electronic age? I guess that’s one of the world’s mysteries. The effects of the demon are good even though it’s CGI; it didn’t look weird like others I’ve seen.

4 Stars

Come Play kept me on the edge of my seat, craving more, and I got it. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should. I gave it 4 out of 5 Stars.

Come Play (2020) #Edgeofseat #Horror Click To Tweet
