Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2020s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews The Empty Man (2020) #HorrorMovie Review
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2020s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews The Empty Man (2020) #HorrorMovie Review

The Empty Man (2020) is based on the Boom! Studios comic series of the same name that I vaguely remember reading back in 2014. It has a slight resemblance to Slender Man too, which isn’t a bad thing (at least I wasn’t bored watching this).

The Empty Man PosterThe film begins sometime in 1995 with four friends hiking in Bhutan when one falls into a hidden cave. I liked that what’s inside the cave wasn’t expected, and it actually freaked me out. Now, of course, I’m not going to tell you what it is because this is something you have to experience for yourself. What happens next was predictable up until the ending of the prologue.

Then we jump to 2018 with former detective James Lasombra trying to find a friend’s missing daughter. Earlier, I mentioned that I wasn’t bored watching this, and the main reason is James Badge Dale, who plays Lasombra. It’s amazing to think that he was Simon in Lord of the Flies (1990).

Anyway, back to the film. I remembered seeing the day count from the film’s prologue and it displaying when the main feature began, then it dwindled off, making for extremely long days. The intensity and graphic encounters are great, though not really horror, and definitely not what I call horror-lite. The strangeness of what is happening kept me hooked as did Mr. Dale.

4 Stars

All in all, I enjoyed the Empty Man and gave it 4 out of 5 Stars. I guess I must be a member of the cult following.

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