Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1980s 2.5 Star Horror Movie Reviews House II: The Second Story (1987) #Lost80s #Horror
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1980s 2.5 Star Horror Movie Reviews House II: The Second Story (1987) #Lost80s #Horror

House II: The Second Story (1987) #Lost80s #Horror

I’ve had a quest for many years to find the movie with the fictional band The Puce Clits, and now that quest has come to an end because it’s in House II: The Second Story (1987). Honestly, that’s all I remembered from this movie.

House_II_posterWith the serious theme of the Viet Nam War in the background of House, it is completely gone with House II. There’s nothing really serious about this one. You’d think that The Second Story would refer to an actual second story of a house, and they’d have used the same place from the first, but they didn’t. That’s OK. This one reminds me of Castle Marne.

The costumes, makeup, and effects are the best part of this film, including the creatures, just like House. There was a complete disconnect for me with the time travel and a glowing skull. Oh, and let’s not forget the dinosaurs and Cowboys and Indians. This is probably why I’d blocked ever seeing House II from my mind and why, thirty-four years later, I couldn’t stay connected with it; at least I found the Puce Clits.

2.5 Stars

I gave House II: The Second Story 2.5 out of 5 Stars.

One more thing I want to mention that blows me away is that there are two more films in this franchise. So, if I come across them, I will watch them…maybe.

House II has The Puce Clits Click To Tweet
