Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1980s 4.5 Star Horror Movie Reviews Howling V: The Rebirth (1989) #Lost80s #Horror
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1980s 4.5 Star Horror Movie Reviews Howling V: The Rebirth (1989) #Lost80s #Horror

Howling V: The Rebirth (1989) #Lost80s #Horror

Howling V: The Rebirth (1989), like the previous chapters in the franchise, has nothing to do with Howling IV: The Original Nightmare (1988) and at least isn’t marsupials. The opening scene hooked me as it did the first time I saw this film with harrowing events happening in Budapest in 1849.

When they flash to the present (in this case, it’s 1989), a group of people is invited to the same castle and are told the history of the castle. While I’m not sure the reason for choosing this array of people, I don’t care because the layers of suspense fill the movie with the darkness it needs.

As the movie progresses, you guessed it, something is slaughtering the guests, who decide to find out what and search the dungeon because we all know that’s exactly what should be done since a blizzard has trapped them there.

I love that they didn’t incorporate the strange Tron-like effects that started to show themselves more and more in the late 80s and kept with using buckets of fake blood and costumes and animatronics. Had they gone the other way, I don’t think I would’ve enjoyed the visual delights as much.

4.5 Stars

Howling V: The Rebirth is aptly named, and I loved every minute of it. I gave it 4.5 out of 5 Stars. If you haven’t seen it, make it a priority.

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