Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1990s 3 Star Horror Movie Reviews An American Werewolf in Paris (1997) #HorrorMovie Review
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1990s 3 Star Horror Movie Reviews An American Werewolf in Paris (1997) #HorrorMovie Review

An American Werewolf in Paris (1997) #HorrorMovie Review

An American Werewolf in Paris (1997) doesn’t have any ties to An American Werewolf in London; thank the celluloid gods because it might have been a lot worse for it. I didn’t have any expectations that they would be linked.

ParisWerewolf_pThe opening scene is enticing, then fades to a bro comedy. I could’ve done without it), but it is a horror-comedy, so they had to start somewhere, I guess. Some scenes felt like they took them from an unknown National Lampoons screenplay. When Amy enters the film, it gets so much dumber for a while until we get into the meat of the movie.

The visual effects in An American Werewolf in Paris are what you’d expect from the late 90s with the CGI takeover, but at least there’s some delightful gore and werewolf action. But to end the film as a RomCom was more than I could stomach after the blood and guts.

3 Stars

An American Werewolf in Paris was OK, but no more than 3 out of 5 Stars.

An American Werewolf in Paris is not a horrible follow-up to An American Werewolf in London. Click To Tweet
