Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2010s 3.5 Star Horror Movie Reviews Saint Maud (2019) #HorrorMovie Review

Saint Maud (2019) isn’t what I expected from the trailer, but then again, it seems that trailers show the best parts these days. That doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the film, because I did. It is super weird and creepy and beautiful.

Maud, aka Katie, is a home health care nurse with a troubled past that the creators only gave small glimpses; it made me want to know a little more about the backstory. The oddness of Maud’s rapture is on the verge of being orgasmic and comes on at the strangest times. Her self-flagellation tactics made me wince, so that was a good thing.

The few visuals are well done without showing too much. There were times that I questioned what was happening, like her levitation. I wasn’t sure why that happened or the cause or if it was a hallucination. It was evident that Maud is not stable, and the final scenes confirm that.

3.5 Stars

Saint Maud is one of those movies that entertained me with strangeness while keeping the horror low. I give it 3.5 out of 5 Stars.
