Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1990s 3 Star Horror Movie Reviews Psycho IV: The Beginning (1990) #TeamNorman
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1990s 3 Star Horror Movie Reviews Psycho IV: The Beginning (1990) #TeamNorman

Psycho IV: The Beginning (1990) #TeamNorman

A boy’s best friend is his mother. Norman Bates

Psycho IV: The Beginning (1990) is made for television movie (Showtime) that attempts to give the history of Norman and doesn’t do the worst job. Having read Robert Bloch’s books in the Psycho series, I was surprised by the elements that were close. With the different version of this in my head, it’s hard to say which I like more, the books were interesting, but Bates Motel TV series 2013-17 is my favorite interpretation of the events, this isn’t horrible, it’s just strange the way it’s told.

Nothing New

Psycho IV: The BeginningThere wasn’t much new in Psycho IV: The Beginning, I was hoping for more kills and craziness from Norman. I was happy that they kept close to the original with the way the kills were shot, not seeing the violence, but knowing what is happening. Henry Thomas (E.T.) plays teenage Norman and does the role justice. Anthony Perkins continues the role of adult Norman, and he feels off his game, almost like he really didn’t care anymore.

I don’t have much more to say about Psycho IV: The Beginning, it just is. I understand why they felt like they needed to make. I wish it were better. That is not to say that it’s important to franchise.

3 Stars

Psycho IV: The Beginning gets 3 out of 5 Ram Skulls from me. (If you see it, don’t expect too much.)

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