Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1980s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews #Lost80s #HorrorMovie - Wolfen (1981)
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1980s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews #Lost80s #HorrorMovie - Wolfen (1981)

You don’t have the eyes of the hunter. You have the eyes of the dead. Eddie Holt

Wolfen (1981) was adapted from the book of the same name by Whitley Strieber. You could say that it’s a werewolf film, but that’s not entirely true as is shown. It stars Albert Finney as former NYPD Detective Dewey Wilson who is reinstated to investigate the murders of Mr. and Mrs. Van der Veer; I want to know what happened to their dog, the poor thing was terrified.

WolfenThe use of negative imaging to portray the beasts is phenomenal and reminds me of the effect used the Eurythmics’ music video Here Comes The Rain Again. It’s super eerie and spot on for showing the point of view of the hunter/beast stalking the city. I love how they didn’t show the beasts immediately, which added to the suspense and allure of the film.

Oh, by the way, this is an anti-gentrification film, and yes, I’m OK with meaning this time, because this movie is fucking awesome. Where several other horror films that had added meaning or political reference felt condescending, this one worked it in nicely so it wasn’t obtrusive.

4 Stars

Wolfen has always been one of my favorite films, and I give it 4 out of 5 Stars.

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