Home 5 Star Book Review Book Reviews Black Bayou by Sara Clancy #HorrorNovel #Review
Home 5 Star Book Review Book Reviews Black Bayou by Sara Clancy #HorrorNovel #Review

Black Bayou by Sara Clancy #HorrorNovel #Review

Black Bayou: Scary Supernatural Horror with Demons (Dark Legacy Series Book 1) actually scared me, which is saying a lot. From the beginning, the terror began and didn’t let up. The story revolves around Marigold La Roux who, after suffering significant trauma from the hands of her parents is thrown into a world filled with demons and voodoo. Each page clearly shows Marigold’s new world and the agony she suffers. 

5 Stars

If you’re looking for a great fright, this book is for you. I give it 5 out of 5 Stars.

About Black Bayou

Marigold La Roux had a perfectly average existence…until the night her parents tried to murder her.

Barely escaping with her life should have been the end of Marigold’s living nightmare. Unfortunately, it was just the beginning. Her entire world starts shattering. She moves to New Orleans to stay with her only living relative, her aunt Delilah. She believes the bustle of Bourbon Street will help her get a fresh start, but strange things start happening to Marigold at the La Roux estate. Ghostly voices whisper in her ear, sharp knives scrape against her door, and something in the darkness lashes out, leaving deep claw marks on her back.

Hoping to understand her torment, she starts delving into her family’s past and is shocked and appalled by what she discovers. She begins to understand why locals shudder at the mere mention of La Roux house. The attacks against her grow more vicious, ravaging not only her body, but also her mind.

Desperate to end her suffering, Marigold teams up with Louis, an occult enthusiast, who hopes his knowledge of the paranormal can help end her family curse once and for all. But, the dark forces of evil are relentless and their twisted hold runs deep in her blood. They will stop at nothing to get what they want: her life.

About Sara Clancy

Growing up in the endless summer of Australia, Sara Clancy was always fascinated with the macabre. It gave her an opportunity to satisfy her cravings for all things spooky and strange, and indulge in a world of mystery.

Currently living near a beach she never visits, she enjoys writing horror, spending most of her paychecks on books, and devotes a great deal of time and energy to fictional characters. She also enjoys talking through movies, but understands that’s a private indulgence.

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