Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1990s 3.5 Star Horror Movie Reviews #HorrorMovie #MothersDay Mom (1991)

Once upon a time, a sweet old lady rented out her spare room to a blind man. She was ever so gracious and kind to him and felt bad when she said things like ‘let me show you.’ For their first meal together, she prepared everything she thought he might like; it was like a Mother’s Day Buffet. When she insisted that he eat after he’d refused, he did the unspeakable…and the rest is history.

MomMom (1991) is one of those movies that I was confused about since they mixed Vampire and Werewolf lore. Nestor Duvalier has all the symptoms of a vampire. He even pretends to be blind so that he can keep his sunglasses on. Brion James, who plays Nestor, is always interesting; I said interesting, not good. He’s one of those actors that doesn’t have much depth from character to character. And the weird accent he tries to maintain is annoying.

The more appealing things in Mom was the leftover 80s vibe throughout the movie,Mom especially the opening sequence. The gore was decent, though they could’ve done more, and the makeup effects with the werewolf were spot-on. Again, they could’ve done more. They only show it a few times, and while it reminded me of Rawhead Rex and the Howling, I thought it was impressive.

3.5 Stars

Even with my wanting more, I liked Mom (1991), it had some good moments. I give it 3.5 out of 5 Stars.

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