Sometimes I wonder why I watch the movies that I watch, then I find a fun gem like Pale Blood (1990), and I’m thankful for my slumming around with low budget vampire films. I’m not saying this movie is perfect, but it’s great nonetheless.

Pale Blood posterIn the beginning, George Chakiris, who plays Michael Fury, is stiff and uncomfortable to watch, but he loosens up once things get going. I’ve seen Wings Hauser in tons of stuff before. Until now, I honestly never knew his name until looking at the cast list for this film. I’ll probably forget it soon after writing this review and say something similar for another movie.

Pale Blood is one of the strangest vampire movies I’ve ever seen. While it attempts to maintain what I know about the genre, it does twist some parts around, which is fine, I don’t really care. Wait. I said strange. That is an understatement, but the twists and turns made it more exciting than I had expected. At least they weren’t shy about highlighting the erotica.

3.5 Stars

I enjoyed Pale Blood and recommend that you give it a shot if you come across it. I give this one 3.5 out of 5 Stars.

Hidden #Vampire movie gem. Click To Tweet

I was surprised when I couldn’t find a trailer, then it hit me, Pale Blood was direct to VHS release, so it wouldn’t have one. I did find an Agent Orange Montage video that gives a taste of the soundtrack and glimpses of the movie.
