Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1980s 3.5 Star Horror Movie Reviews Catacombs (1988) #Lost80s #HorrorMovie
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1980s 3.5 Star Horror Movie Reviews Catacombs (1988) #Lost80s #HorrorMovie

Once upon a time, a demon is trapped by a priest in the Catacombs (1988) below an abbey. Four hundred years later, a teacher comes to visit. Why? I’m a little puzzled about it still. One of the priests/monks who reside there is not happy that an evil, filthy woman is among them.

CatacombsThe strangeness of this film kept me attracted to it, and not because of the terror levels, which remains at a nice simmer throughout most of the film. On top of that, the music is some of the craziest I’ve heard, and the camera angles are intense; both bits add to the foreboding that builds.

As with many horror films, Catacombs merely suggests the terror and growing anxiety as it leads us down the twisty, dark path. The life-like Jesus on the cross is so fucking creepy, and then when it starts to move I’m freaked out even though I’ve expected it to happen since the first viewing of it.

I liked Catacombs and give it 3.5 out of 5 Stars.

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