Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1980s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews From Beyond (1986) #Lost80s #HorrorMovie
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1980s 4 Star Horror Movie Reviews From Beyond (1986) #Lost80s #HorrorMovie

No. Shhh. Listen. The Resonator. It’s him. He’s trying to start the Resonator from beyond. Dr. Crawford Tillinghast

From Beyond (1986) is loosely based on the short story of the same name by H. P. Lovecraft. It amazes me how many Lovecraft adaptations were made, which I’ve seen most, but I haven’t read a single of his stories. Maybe, I should change that.

From BeyondJeffrey Combs from Re-Animator (1985) (another loosely based adaptation) is Dr. Crawford Tillinghast, who is assisting Dr. Pretorius in an experiment to experience more. It’s an interesting concept that has a similarity to Hellraiser. The machine they use to facilitate this is called the Resonator.

After he’s put in a mental facility, we are introduced to Dr. Katherine McMichaels, who wants to see for herself what Pretorius’s experiment can do. So with Detective Bubba Brownlee watching over, they return to the mansion and get the machine started again.

I love special effects from the 80s because of the ingenuity, and From Beyond displays them nicely with gore and make-up and other fun things. While there isn’t sex in this film, there is a lot of sexual experiences occurring, though only in their minds; and nope they don’t show any of it, but there are a lot of sounds all because of pineal gland stimulation. The one thing I didn’t understand was the need for Crawford to eat human brains; it just came into the story out of the blue.

For a great example of 1980s horror, check out From Beyond, it’s got the meat. I give it 4 out of 5 Stars.

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