Please don’t take me home. Emily

I’m always impressed with a horror movie if it can grab my attention in the first few minutes and not let go until the credits roll. Dark Light (2019) did that for me. The creepiness is strong from the opening scene; it’s a pull out from something that happens toward the middle of the film, but I don’t mind films that bring a scene forward to give me a sense of what to expect from the remaining scenes.

Of all the movies I’ve seen throughout the years, I’m not sure that I’ve ever felt so horribly about a character, and this one wasn’t even an antagonist, it was the Sheriff. The first moment that she’s introduced, I wished bad things upon her, so I have to say well done to Kristina Clifford, who plays Sheriff Dickerson; I was happy when she was killed.

I haven’t said anything, but I’ve noticed in several 2019 horror films that musical scores sound very similar and I wonder if the same artist is doing soundtracks for these films; I haven’t checked the credits to see who’s done the music, so I can’t be sure if I’m correct.

The creature Walter Simms refers to as a ‘Dark Light’ is an interesting creation. It has a human-like body (torso, two legs, two arms, and a neck) but from the neck up, it’s quite different from you and me. A single eye, looking like a CRT TV, dominates the majority of its head and just below is a ghoulish mouth. The effects surrounding the creature are nicely devised with some uniqueness to the execution.

The ending has strange segues of darkness, leaving the impression that a sequel could very well appear if the creators so desired.

Dark Light is creepy and strange and, of course, dark, and I give it 4 out of 5 Stars.
