Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2000s Clive Barker Horror Movie Reviews #HorrorMovie Favorites - Hellraiser Part 3 #PromoteHorror
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2000s Clive Barker Horror Movie Reviews #HorrorMovie Favorites - Hellraiser Part 3 #PromoteHorror

#HorrorMovie Favorites - Hellraiser Part 3 #PromoteHorror

Don’t think for one second that you aren’t in danger. Winter LeMarchand and Pinhead

Hellraiser: Deader (2005) has an uncanny resemblance to Candyman in the way it’s told, then it’s filled with hallucinations like the previous two and ruins it. The edginess is stronger in this one, and I noticed the musical score, unlike its direct to video predecessors.

The fact that pieces of the previous films were integrated into this one does make it more appealing for me, too; Julia’s mattress was the easiest to see, but several other bits were cleverly inserted as well. At times, I wasn’t sure what was happening or why, and kept wondering if this was also a hell chamber experience. The resurrections left me questioning everything Hellraiser as did Winter LeMarchand’s involvement since his ancestors have been determined to destroy the box and its contents.

Amy’s investigation of the apartment is probably the best part of the entire movie. I could almost smell what was attacking her nose. The visuals were disgusting, and the make-up on Marla was nicely applied. I wish the Cenobites had been more memorable and had done something besides stand around. And when it ended, all I could think was Oh Amy. Now you get to suffer as a Social Worker for the newly departed for the rest of your life.

Hellraiser: Deader was entertaining and juicier with its visuals, so I’ll give it 3.5 out of 5 Stars.

It’s like a bad horror movie, isn’t it? The Host

I’ve said that Hellraiser: Hellworld (2005) is my least favorite of the franchise, but I am watching it again, thinking maybe I’ll like it better this time around. The film opens with a funeral and Chelsea opening the coffin to see her dearly departed friend, Adam, who tries to pull her inside with him. Then bam, she wakes up. I can’t tell you how much I hate that shit, and this franchise is plagued with it.

The only actor I recognized in the cast was Henry Cavill from Blood Creek, and, yeah, Superman that I’ve never seen; I’ll put it on the list for probably never. The rest of the cast is good, too, which is always surprising for direct to video films, and one thing that I have to give Dimension Home Video kudos for is the level of acting.

As I watched, I forced away my past feelings about this movie and was nicely surprised that I enjoyed it. While it is flawed in so many ways, that is explained in the film. There was some gore in this one, so that’s always a welcome addition. The set is fantastic, reminding me old 50s and 60s horror, and the items scattered around are creepy; I want the Hellraiser Tarot cards, they’d be an excellent addition to my collection. Hellworld has ominous music reminiscent to the first four, adding to the tense and creepy ambiance.

Hellraiser: Hellworld is better than I remembered it, but I can only give it 3.5 out of 5 Stars.

No one gets to kill you but me, you little fuck. Ross Craven

Six years after Hellworld came Hellraiser: Revelations (2011), which was made so Dimension Films wouldn’t lose the rights to the franchise. In parts, it’s a found-footage film, then jumps to teen horror, to home invasion exploitation. This mix of things can be a lot to handle in seventy-five minutes, but I think the producers made something that brings back the true meaning of Hellraiser; at least, they tried with returning to how Cenobites are called and how they enter.

I’m not a huge fan of Stephan Smith Collins as Pinhead. He looks like Uncle Fester with white teeth. And why a voice-over? Is his voice squeaky or something? Now, Jay Gillespie as Psuedo Pinhead, that’s an entirely different, yummy, and sexy Cenobite to behold.

The effects are much improved with the opening of the box with no more Tron-like sparkles or bad lightning overlays. The gore level is elevated, too, how I’ve missed that with the previous films. Hellraiser is supposed to be BDSM with an added layer of violence and gore. There’s no mistaking, even with the dreadful Pinhead, that this brought back my love for the franchise.

I give Hellraiser: Revelations (2011) 4 out of 5 Stars.

I’d previously reviewed Hellraiser: Judgment (2018), click here to see what I said about it.
