Home 4 Star Book Review Book Reviews #Zombie #HorrorStory Review - Biter (Rise of the Dead Book 1) by Donna Burgess @horrorgirldonna #PromoteHorror
Home 4 Star Book Review Book Reviews #Zombie #HorrorStory Review - Biter (Rise of the Dead Book 1) by Donna Burgess @horrorgirldonna #PromoteHorror

#Zombie #HorrorStory Review - Biter (Rise of the Dead Book 1) by Donna Burgess @horrorgirldonna #PromoteHorror

I don’t know what it is about Zombies that has caused the onslaught of movies and books and stories about them in recent years, but I don’t mind, I’m really enjoying what I’m experiencing. Biter (Rise of the Dead Book 1) by Donna Burgess is one of the better that I’ve read recently. The story moves quickly, and there’s an interesting twist with the Zombie featured in this one. The best thing about this short book (novella?) is that everything was vivid in my mind as I read.


Great job, Donna. I give Biter (Rise of the Dead Book 1) 4 out of 5 Stars.

About Biter (Rise of the Dead Book 1)

When Morgan and Savannah’s tire blows, they’re positive they’re going to be stuck forever in Shitkicker, Alabama. But along comes hunky Johnny, their knight-in-not-so-shining-primer, and their bad day takes a turn for the better. Or so they think. The thing is, Johnny has a twin brother named Mikey, who’s starving for some fresh college chick flesh, and an inbred family set on making sure Mikey gets his dinner.

Warning: Gory scenes and coarse language. Recommended for adults.

About Donna Burgess

Donna Burgess is an author of dark fiction and poetry who enjoys surfing, playing soccer, and painting. She has a deep affection for Monty Python, horror movies, Bruce Springsteen and baseball. Over the past two decades, her fiction and poetry has appeared in genre publications like Weird Tales, Horror Express, Chizine and many others.

She holds B.A.s in Journalism and English and a M.F.A. in Creative Writing. She is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Psychology.

