Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1980s 4.5 Star Horror Movie Reviews Throwback Thursday #Lost80s #HorrorMovie – I, Madman (1989) @RWCook5
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 1980s 4.5 Star Horror Movie Reviews Throwback Thursday #Lost80s #HorrorMovie – I, Madman (1989) @RWCook5

The 1980s produced so much cheese that it’s hard not to get constipated. At least I, Madman (1989) didn’t cause any backups even with the cheese meter hitting pretty high. The thrills and chills were strong, especially when they played with camera angles and used tricks with shadows.

I, Madman has an uncanny resemblance to The Neverending Story (1984), though having more mature content than that delight. I liked how the transitions between the story Virginia was reading and reality faded, making it hard to determine if she was losing her mind or if things were, in fact, happening.

Jenny Wright is an interesting actress. I’ve seen her in tons of stuff, and I think this one is her best role. Virginia isn’t the most complicated of people, she works in a book shop, and reads a ton; oh the horrors of that job. Of course, no one believes her in the beginning as expected.

The magic of Randall William Cook made the special visual effects and stop motion animation come alive; yeah, the guy who did the Visual Effects for the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I love the cool nastiness of Malcolm Brand and how the creation of his face progresses throughout the movie.

If you can find I, Madman, do it, watch it, love it like I do. 4.5 out of 5 Stars.
