Home #RRBC #RWISA Blog Tour Welcome to the WATCH "RWISA" WRITE Showcase Tour! #RRBC #RWISA - Nonnie Jules - SILENT TEARS
Home #RRBC #RWISA Blog Tour Welcome to the WATCH "RWISA" WRITE Showcase Tour! #RRBC #RWISA - Nonnie Jules - SILENT TEARS

Welcome to the WATCH "RWISA" WRITE Showcase Tour! #RRBC #RWISA - Nonnie Jules - SILENT TEARS

This week, I continue with the RRBC/RWISA Showcase Tour, and to kick it off, I welcome Nonnie Jules, who’s sharing a wonderful poem.

by Nonnie Jules

I cry these silent tears for her
For her loss, for her pain, for her heart
Breaking when she looks into their eyes
Her children –
she feels their loss, their pain, their hearts breaking.
The memories –
the hardest
Yet, there’s no getting away from the reminders of what used to be.
There once was a HE
HE sat, parented, loved, even laughed
Yes, towards all ends there is laughter some say
But his chair is empty now
Just as their hearts
Hollow as the tree he chose.
He left it all there
His back against a world filled with painful memories of a childhood unprotected.
His pain…
Bottled up in the bottles of poison he consumed
Reckless abandon he gave to it
But quit…
he could not
would not
was it his choice not?
In the end, the call of the poison was stronger
and he had to answer
he was forced to answer
given no choice but to answer…
was the way he felt.
His choice gave her no choice
Single parenting
A thing for some
It wasn’t her thing
That is
he left her
no choice.

She’ll be fine
Kids are resilient
They’ll be fine
Time heals all wounds
All clichés but true.

I cry my silent tears for her
For the husband she once knew.

Thank you for supporting this member along the WATCH “RWISA” WRITE Showcase Tour today! We ask that if you have enjoyed this member’s writing, please visit their Author Page on the RWISA site, where you can find more of their writing, along with their contact and social media links, if they’ve turned you into a fan.

We ask that you also check out their books in the RWISA or RRBC catalogs. Thanks, again, for your support and we hope that you will follow each member along this amazing tour of talent! Don’t forget to click the link below to learn more about this author:

Nonnie Jules’ RWISA Author Page
