Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2010s 5 Star Horror Movie Reviews #IndieHorror Movie Review - Hex (2017) @RubiconFilmsUK
Home #Horror Movie Reviews 2010s 5 Star Horror Movie Reviews #IndieHorror Movie Review - Hex (2017) @RubiconFilmsUK

#IndieHorror Movie Review - Hex (2017) @RubiconFilmsUK

Two years after its UK release, Amazon Prime released Hex (2017) in the USA. This movie has been on my radar for a while after I heard about it on Twitter. Here is the blurb about it on IMDb: During the English Civil War, two opposing soldiers find themselves trapped in a forest controlled by a Witch.

The cinematography is beautiful. I know that’s a strange thing to say about a horror/thriller film, but you must see Harry Young’s work in this to understand what I mean. Nino Russell’s musical score doesn’t overpower the scenes and gives a chilling ambiance.

The small cast is phenomenal, which is on the surprising side with a reported budget of £1,000 (approximately $1200). Daniel Oldroyd plays Richard, who isn’t convinced that there is a witch, at first, while Thomas, William Young, knows that something evil controls the woods. The strange awkwardness between the two soldiers is a delight to watch; neither trust the other, but understand they must work together for survival.

The intensity maintained throughout the film kept me satisfied and intrigued until the final moment. If you are looking for a strong psychological thriller in a historical setting, I strongly urge you to watch Hex. I wasn’t disappointed.

I give Hex 5 out of 5 Stars.
