I have been honored with Spotlight Author for May 2019 in the Rave Reviews Book Club. The month starts with a week long blog tour where I talk about how I get inspiration and about Circus Tarot. I chose to spotlight Circus Tarot for this special month as it is a great way for my new readers to get a taste of my style. Throughout the week, you’ll get a sneak peak into Circus Tarot with exclusive content about the book.

There’s also a live interview with me on “Bring On The Spotlight” Radio Show on 5/16/19 with Wendy Scott, and a “Who’s On The Shelf?” Interview on 5/30/19 with the amazing Nonnie Jules. I’m excited about both, and I hope you join me on both days.

For all the stops on this week’s tour, check out the Rave Reviews By Nonnie Jules website.

This is one of the many honors I’ve received while being a member of the Rave Reviews Book Club. If you’re a reader looking for something great to read or an author looking to have a community backing you, you should give this club a good look. Here’s another reason to give it a shot.

From May 1 until May 31st new members may join RRBC for a FREE 30-Day Trial Membership!!! Go on and try us before you buy us! To add your name to our roster, simply JOIN US!
